Establishment of packaging integration council for the smart convergence industry in Korea, Germany, and Japan
Analyze each country’s packaging integration industry and develop success models through exchange of experts
Korea, Germany, and Japan agreed to jointly carry out the DEM (Device Embedded Module) project in the field of device embedding assembly technology.
As the core convergence component technology for the 4th industry is developed and standardized by the Korea Packaging Integration Association, Fraunhof IZM, and the Japan 3D Center, related packaging integration standards such as Stacked DEM and FODEM (Fan Out DEM)
Establishment of an industry consultative body to analyze the current status of smart convergence industries
Expansion of participation in major corporate councils through exchange of experts
- Support for the signing of MOU for cooperation in smart convergence business between exchange target companies
- Support for cooperation in packaging integration projects such as establishment of a consultative body between companies
Fostering domestic packaging integration business by establishing a consultative body among major companies in KGJ
Smart Convergence Industry Council formation and commercialization of 3 contries
Expansion of participation in major corporate councils through exchanges of experts
Support for the signing of MOU for cooperation in smart convergence business
Support for cooperation in packaging integration projects such as establishment of a consultative body between KGJ companies
Support for cooperation between Korean, German and Japanese companies
Fostering packaging integration business by establishing a consultative body among major companies in KGJ
Packaging integration council for the smart convergence industry in Korea, Germany, and Japan