Liaison Coordination Group
– Assembly technology, semiconductors, passive components -
Cai | Jianwei | China x |
Liu | Shenxing | China x |
Rapala | Tarja | Finland x |
Saarinen | Kimmo | Finland x |
Huck | Walter | Germany |
Welzel | Udo | Germany x |
Schleicher | Michael | Germany x |
Fukuba | Yoshinori | Japan x |
Kasuga | Hisao | Japan x |
Yamamoto | Katsumi | Japan x |
Sakamoto | Ichizo | Japan x |
Yamada | Hiroshi | Japan x |
IKEDA | Osamu | Japan x |
Lee | Min-su | Korea, Republic of x |
Kim | Hyun Ho | Korea, Republic of x |
Im | Young-Min | Korea, Republic of |
SONG | Shin Ae | Korea, Republic of |
Hudson | Emma | United Kingdom x |
Lucero | Alan | USA x |
Confirmed without changes.
Important point for TC91 but also for TC 119. This would give us an opportunity to get in contact with TC119.
Spring meeting (without plenary): June 10-14, Tokyo
Fall Meeting: September 23 – 27, London, Details will follow.
Coordination with ISO TC 261, TC112 and IEC TC 119 as well as with IPC/ASTM activities is necessary.
TC112 decided to ask TC91 to establish a JWG on additive manufactured electronics.
First step would be to form an ad-hoc group to do the necessary preparatory work. To be discussed at AG16 and plenary session. Liaison between TC91 and TC112 shall be established, to be discussed at plenary session. First project could be: Characteristics, requirements and test method for insulation using additive manufacturing technology. Liaison representative to TC112 and TC119 is proposed to become Michael Schleicher. IPC started new projects as well (PIN) – we will follow those, but TC91 will focus on insulation coordination and electrical safety. So far no conflict.
GNC started work on a technical report covering all aspects of sinter technology. Experts cover the whole process chain including equipment manufacturers and users.
Status: A draft will be available in Q1/2024. IPC 4922 was under ballot.
Status: Dough Sober is on charge for that project. Re-ballot passed, but not yet published.
R&D project in Germany is under consideration to develop manufacturing technologies for heterogenous 3D integration using TGV interposers.
GNC project to develop test structures (first perhaps a TR, depending on the output from ECPE project in Germany), IPC started similar project (guideline, which considerations should be made; project is under Bob Neves).
ECPE project is up to 1000V. Project is ongoing, but a date for finalization is not yet available. Humidity test (65°C/ 92% r.h.) is running now; testing will be up to 2000 h. A second test, 1500 h with 85°C/85% r.h. is running without no defects so far.
IPC develops a test method for voltages from 300V to higher values (may be 3000V). Draft is finished (IPC-TM-650 - publication is ongoing.
GNC started a project to develop state of the art rules for dimensioning of creepage and clearance distances on electronic assemblies, based on IEC 60664 series, IPC 2221 and OEM specifications.
47/2773/NP “Failure mechanisms and measurement methods to evaluate solid insulation for semiconductor devices” Cooperation between the project team and TC91 as well as TC40 experts is agreed by the project leader. Contact via Walter Huck.
Status: NP is approved, many deep technical comments received, especially to clarify the scope in relation to the basic safety standard IEC 60664-1. First investigations showed that the content of IEC 60664-4 is not applicable for those materials used in higher frequency range. Intensive discussion will take place at TC47 November meeting in Frankfurt.
The IEC Market Strategy Board (MSB) developed a white paper, circulated as SMB/7991/DC. This comprehensive document focuses on the strategic role of power semiconductors for an energy-wise society in order to aid in establishing guidelines within standardization bodies and to bring power semiconductors to the forefront of impending standardization proposals. It is proposed to set up a task force: It is also recommended that the SMB request TC 47 to establish a task force to formulate
additional guidelines or roadmaps for the development of power semiconductor standards through discussions that align device, system, and application level needs. This new task force should consider engaging IEC TC 22 Power electronic systems and equipment , SC 47E, TC 121 Switchgear and control gear and their assemblies for low voltage, and other relevant IEC committees. It also touches TC91 activities, like the die attach standards. Cooperation with SC47E will become necessary to cover not only power semiconductors, but also power modules, which would be under the scope of TC91. General information on "preformed" IGBT high power IGBT-chips embedded in PCB substrate provided by Michael Schleicher:
Action: Close follow-up of that activity, so that TC91 could join. To Inform Suzanne Yap on the interest of TC91.
Action: Close cooperation between TC91 WG3 and WG6 with TC47 WG2 and SC 47A is necessary to cover heterogeneous integration, e.g. wide bandgap SC in power modules. Alan and Fukuba san will take care to identify best contact persons after TC47 meetings in November.
Action: For preparation of next WG6 meeting information shall be collected, which kind of new embedding technologies exist beyond described in the existing standards of the 62878 series.
Looking for experts to support the project “Protection and packaging of electronic assemblies”. Further experts are needed. GNC to break the project into smaller packages to identify areas of interest and to find more experts to participate. As a first project “Qualification and test methods for coatings” is started.
Status: Kick-off meeting took place, now collecting material, which test methods currently are in use.
Status: These projects will need a revision and to be aligned with TC47 to avoid conflicts. Information will be shared after TC91 WG3 meeting. See status report below:
5.5 IEC 63215-1 ED1: Endurance test methods for die attach materials – Part 1: General specification. [PL: Prof. Yoshiharu Kariya (JP)] And IEC 63215 series | ACD | WD or CD |
-1 Leader: Prof. Yoshiharu Kariya (JP)
Members: Mr. Walter Huck (DE), Mr. Yi Cao (CN), Mr. Vesa Vuorinen (FI)
-3 Leader: Prof. Hiroshi Nishikawa (JP)
Members: Dr. Hyun Ho Kim (KR), Mr. Josef-Paul Schaffer (DE), Vesa Vuorinen (FI)
-4 Leader: Prof. Yoshiharu Kariya (JP)
Members: Mr. Walter Huck (DE), Mr. Wickham Martin (GB), Mr. Stephen Tisdale (US), Prof. Hiroshi Nishikawa (JP)
-5 Leader: Mr. Hiroyuki Takahashi (JP)
Members: Dr. Hyun Ho Kim (KR), Mr. Josef-Paul Schaffer (DE), Vesa Vuorinen (FI)
[Current status] (2023-11-07):
l Reviewing the document and may change title and scope.
l The main contents of the review are the title and scope. The reason for the review is to avoid conflicts with other IEC documents.
l Mr.Ryoji Ninomiya who is TC91/WG 3 expert joins this project.
[Action items] (2023-11-07):
1. WD may be posted until April,2024.
2. -3 and -5 will proposed new documents in after summation of -1 WD.
3. -4 will propose as new NP after submission of -1 WD.
Project is approved and became IEC 60068-2-88. Should be closely discussed with other TCs. Relation to ISO TC44/SC12 project ISO 9455-18 is clarified (determination of residues on circuit board surfaces).
Status: The project now is in CD stage (91/1908/CD). Discussion with TC 104 on revision of IEC 60068-2-45 and a possible transfer of this standard to TC91.
TC91 Project “Resistance against cleaning solvent” is of high interest for TC40.
In TC 40 experts related to high voltage applications and insulation coordination are available. We can make contact when first projects are starting.
Interesting projects on insulating materials and flexible / stretchable materials (see 47/2777/DC, IEC 62951 series). Interesting for new materials as well for PCB industry and Semiconductor industry.
See report from Fukuba san from September.
New projects related to thermal characterization should be studied by TC91 as well to avoid double work.
New project approved: 63378-4 Thermal evaluation of fine pitch semiconductor packages
Liaison representatives need to be discussed with new SC47D chair, A. Lucero (S. Tisdale is still nominated, but not active in TC91). Udo and Walter are going to contact Alan in that subject.
In Cenelec a new committee TC47X is established “Semiconductor devices and trusted chips”. Secretariat is France.
Liaison representative from TC91 to TC111 is Dough Sober.
New project to develop a standard for carbon footprint is delegated by IEC SMB to TC111 and ACEA
IEC 63372 ED1: Quantification and communication of Carbon Foot PRINT and GHG emission reductions/avoided emissions from electric and electronic products and systems – Principles, methodologies, requirements and guidance
Status: 111/668/CD commenting ended 2022-07-29, but CC is not yet issued. It seems the resolution of comments is difficult.
IEC 62899-202-10 ED1 Printed Electronics Part 202-10 : Materials - Resistance measurement method for thermoformable conducting layers
Status: Document is published.
Nothing to report.
AEC-Q007 Initial Release (Revision -) – Board Level Reliability (BLR) Guidelines; AEC-Q007-001 Initial Release (Revision -) – BLR Temperature Cycling Test Methodology; and AEC-Q007-002 Initial Release (Revision -) – BLR Spreadsheets
Status: Re-ballot is done, > 100 new comments made. Resolution may take until end of this year. Publication date is unsure.
An AEC reliability workshop took place October 04 to 05 in Toulouse / France.
Cooperation between IPC and IEC – preparation of an MoU is ongoing. IEC SEC approved the TC91 draft. Now submitted to IPC.
New projects see:
J-STD 033 is under revision. It is related to IEC 61760-4 (also under revision) and should be considered carefully.
IPC CC 830 is under revision (version D). It covers coatings. Graham Naisbitt is involved in that project. Release is planned for 2025.
DIS for new edition ISO 9455-17 (reference to IPC test board B-24 / IEC TB114 is correct).
The project 60068-2-88 and project ISO 9455-18 need to be aligned.
Status: German members confirmed that scope of that project is measuring methods for detection of flux residues. No overlapping with scope of TC91 project resistance to cleaning liquids. A draft is available. It uses references to TC91 documents where applicable.
Walter Huck is in contact to DIN, Mr. Pommert, to get latest information.
Phase 3 “Conformal coating evaluation for improved environmental protection”.
Project to develop a test board to measure the effectiveness of cleaning. Evaluate thicknesses and board structure to measure protection against corrosion.
iNEMI roadmap on organic PCB material, team is established –Tarja will keep contact. Project is ongoing, some chapters will be released soon for online check. List of chapters provided by Tarja.
New projects, please see the iNEMI Website (sustainability, smart manufacturing).
Technical snapshot seminars are ongoing – see EIPC Webpage. EIPC will be present at “productronica” next week.
ECWC 16, April 9-11, 2024 link:
EIPC conference is planned for January 30th / 31st 2024. Call for papers see links below:
Please may we have your abstract submission no later than November 30th
Nothing to report.
Solder limits subjects still are under discussion, like selective, wave soldering. In case actual soldering profiles are available, send to Emma. There is urgent demand for information on selective soldering.
Project on requirements and testing of conformal coating of agricultural lighting is ongoing.
New project is kicked-off: New test coupon to test delamination. Information about existing designs should be sent to Emma. The existing test pattern (UL 796 Fig. 10.1) and requirements do not reflect state of the art. AT&S supports that project. Next meeting is planned in December together with FED.
IPC/APEX In 2024 will move to Anaheim at April 06 to 11. Combined with ECWC meeting.
2024 AEC Annual Reliability Workshop: The AEC Technical Committee is currently finalizing plans for the 2024 AEC Reliability Workshop, which is tentatively scheduled for April 23-25, 2024 at the Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel.
2024-02-21 starting time 13:00 CET.