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2022 LCG/JIC meeting

관리자 2022-09-07 조회수 522

Liaison Coordination Group
– Assembly technology, semiconductors, passive components -

Minutes of IEC Zoom Meeting – 2022-09-07 – 13:00-15:00 CEST


Japan: Kasuga, Sakamoto, Fukuba, K.Yamamoto, Tambo, Ikeda, Okamoto

KR: Lee

China: Cai

EU: Huck, Rapala-Virtanen, Saarinen, Welzel, Hudson, Pudas



1.        Confirmation of meeting minutes 2022-05-16

Confirmed without changes

2.       TC91 Subjects

2.1.      Next meetings (91/1807/AC)

Actual schedule is V5, no questions so far. Refer to the updated meeting registration system – see AC.

Invitation to Spring meeting 2023 in Helsinki is still valid.

2.2.      Advanced technologies projects

2.2.1   Additive manufacturing

Coordination with ISO TC 261 and IEC TC 119 as well as with IPC/ASTM activities is necessary.

2.2.2   Sinter technology

GNC started work on a technical report covering all aspects of sinter technology. Experts cover the whole process chain including equipment manufacturers and users.

IPC 4922 was under ballot (100% passed, but 20 technical comments received, need to be dispositioned before publication). Dough Sober is on charge for that project.

2.3.      High voltage applications / Insulation coordination projects

2.3.1   Test structures for voltages >100V

GNC project to develop test structures (first perhaps a TR, depending on the output from ECPE project in Germany), IPC started similar project (guideline, which considerations should be made; project is under Bob Neves).

2.3.2   TC47 WG6 project (PNW 47-2773 ED1)

47/2773/NP “Failure mechanisms and measurement methods to evaluate solid insulation for semiconductor devices” should be studied. Contact via GNC members is possible. It needs to be clarified, what part is planned as a standard and what as additional technical information. A clear separation is necessary.

2.4.      Electrochemical migration / corrosion projects

IEC PAS 61191-10 is published in July.

Looking for experts to support the project “Protection and packaging of electronic assemblies”. Marko Pudas (FI) volunteers to join the project team for thin and thick film technologies.

2.5.      Electronic module and die attach projects

IEC 63215 series will be discussed in next WG3 meeting.

2.6       Resistance against cleaning solvents

Project 91/1797/NP should be closely discussed with other TCs

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3.       Liaison with IEC TCs

3.1.      TC40

TC91 Project “Resistance against cleaning solvent” is of high interest for TC40.

3.2.      TC47/SC47A/SC47D

3.2.1   TC47 WG6

Interesting projects on insulating materials and flexible / stretchable materials (see 47/2777/DC, IEC 62951 series). Interesting for new materials as well for PCB industry and Semiconductor industry.

3.2.2   SC47A

See attached Report by Fukuba.

3.2.3   SC47D

New projects related to thermal characterization should be studied by TC91 as well to avoid double work.

4.       Liaison with other organizations

4.1.      AEC

AEC-Q007 Initial Release (Revision -) – Board Level Reliability (BLR) Guidelines; AEC-Q007-001 Initial Release (Revision -) – BLR Temperature Cycling Test Methodology; and AEC-Q007-002 Initial Release (Revision -) – BLR Spreadsheets

Ballot is done middle of August, comments still need to be dispositioned before publication.

4.2.      IPC

Nothing specific. Cooperation between IPC and IEC – preparation of an MoU is ongoing.

Link to project status page:

4.3       ISO, specifically TC44 SC12 (soldering material)

The project 91/1797/NP is to be aligned with the project ISO 9455-18

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4.4.      iNEMI

Phase 3 “Conformal coating evaluation for improved environmental protection”

Project to develop a test board to measure the effectiveness of cleaning. Evaluate thicknesses and board structure to measure protection against corrosion.

iNEMI roadmap on organic PCB material, team is going to be established – in case of interest, contact Tarja.

4.5.      EIPC

Summer conference took place as face-to-face meeting.

Technical snapshot seminars are ongoing – see EIPC Webpage.

4.6.      JEDEC

Nothing to report.

4.7.      UL

Solder limits subjects still are under discussion, like selective, wave soldering. In case actual soldering profiles are available, send to Emma.

Project on requirements and testing of conformal coating of agricultural lighting is ongoing.

5.       Others

5.1 Conferences

FED Conference September 29/30 with 38 contributions in four tracks. Details: www.FED-Konferenz.de

Of special interest: Expert round talk on “digital solder resist” with experts from Agfa, Altium, Electra Polymers, FlowCAD, MEC, Notion, Peters, Taiyo and Würth.

TC 86 joint project on electro optical boards flexibility testing

TC 86   IEC 62496-2-5 ED1 Optical circuit boards - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 2-5: Flexibility test for flexible opto-electric circuits 

86/591/CDV   2017-12          2022-08         
CFDIS  2022-11
JWG 9 Young-Min Im             2023-01

6.       Next meeting

October 20th, starting from 13:30 UTC.