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[Packaging Integration technology seminar] Major technology issue and standard trend by Electronics

관리자 2022-04-18 Number of views 346

[Packaging Integration technology seminar] Major technology issue and standard trend by Electronics

1. Date and time: April 15, 2022 (Fri) 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

2. Venue: Room 403, COEX

3. Schedule:

1:10 - 1:40 Introduction of domestic and international certification systems / Sang-Woon Lee, Chief, KTC

1:40 - 2:20 PCB market and technology: standard activity status / Director Lee Min-soo, KPIA

2:30 - 3:10 Semiconductor and semiconductor package market trends and future technology and standardization issues / Chairman Sunghoon Jwa, KAMP

3:20 - 4:00 Display market and technology trends: major standard issues / Chief Lee Jeong-no, KETI

4:10 - 4:50 Inkjet equipment technology trends and standardization issues for the printed electronics/display industry / Kyungtae Kang, Chief, KITECH